SKUAST Jammu jobs recruitment 2025

 Jammu Jobs : SKUAST Jammu Jobs applications are invited in the prescribed format, available on the University website ( for one temporary position of counsellor (contractual) in the Health Centre of SKUAST-Jammu.

 Temporary Position & Subject

 Post Name Counsellor (Contractual Basis)

 01 No

Age Limit 

Between 20 and 55 years as on last date of submission of application 

Consolidated Wages

 Rs. 2000/- per visit twice a week (office timing) 

Essential Qualifications 

M.A/M.Sc. In Psychology

 Desirable Qualification



 The date of interview to the eligible candidates will be communicated via email only ( or

 The mode of interview shall be offline. 

Venue of interview: office of the Dean, Student Welfare, SKUAST-Jammu, Main Campus, Chatha 

The application form complete in all respect along with the attested copies of the certificates and accompanied with Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of Comptroller, SKUAST-Jammu payable at Chatha should reach the office of the Dean, Student Welfare, SKUAST-Jammu, Main Campus Chatha on or before 10-02-2025 through speed/registered post.

 For more details with respect to the format of application form, Terms & Conditions for temporary position of counsellor please refer University website

 No: AUJ/DSW/24-254/F-151/3296-3299

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