Kashmir University Project Associate-I Jobs

 Kashmir University applications on the prescribed format are invited for a walk-in-interview to be held on 28TH Oct, 2024 (Monday) at 2:00 PM at the Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar for filling up the position of Project Associate-I under the DST- SERB sponsored project 

Name of the Position : Project Associate-I Monthly

 Emoluments : ₹31,000/- +HRA as per guidelines of the funding agency. 

Interview Date : 28TH Oct, 2024 (Monday) at 2:00 PM

Note : 

1. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The position will be renewed from time to time depending upon the availability of the funds and performance of the candidate. 

2. The candidates should bring all original certificates and their xerox copies indicating qualification, age, percentage of marks and certificate of having qualified NET and / or similar accredited tests and research experience in the relevant field (if any) on the day of interview. 

3. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information and documents submitted.

 4. Mere, possessing the prescribed qualification does not ensure that the candidate would be selected. The Candidate will be selected on the basis of merit, performance in interview and according to the need of the project. 

5. The decision of the competent authority regarding selection of the candidates will be final and no representations will be entertained in this regard. 

6. TA / DA are not admissible for appearing in the said interview. 

7. The candidates are advised to mention valid Email ID and working phone numbers in their application form.

 For Complete Details: click here 

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