SKIMS Nursing Aid (G-III) Written Exam Result 2023 Declared - Check Now
The Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) has recently declared the results of the written examination conducted for the position of Nursing Aid (G-III). This announcement comes in reference to Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2023, dated 17.06.2023, where SKIMS advertised vacant positions for Nursing Aid (G-III) on an Academic Arrangement basis.
A total of 4,089 candidates were initially called to appear for the written test, which took place on 03.09.2023. Out of these, 2,674 candidates participated in the OMR-based written examination.
We are pleased to notify the results of the written examination held on 03.09.2023, which can be found in Annexure-"A" attached to this notice. However, it's crucial to understand that these results are provisional and are based on the information provided by candidates via their Roll Numbers on the OMR Answer Sheets.
It's important to note that merely appearing in the result or scoresheet does not guarantee selection for document verification or inclusion in the final select list. Candidates must fulfill all other eligibility conditions as specified in the advertisement and rules. The SKIMS authorities' decisions in this regard will be deemed final.
To access your result, please visit the official SKIMS website ( If you have any queries or concerns regarding the result, feel free to visit the office of the concerned authorities within two days from the date of result publication.
Furthermore, the notice for document verification of shortlisted candidates will be issued separately. Stay tuned for updates and best of luck to all candidates who participated in the examination.
You can check the result notification directly